Hello, I know I haven't been very active lately, like I said before I was moving back home and then getting the house ready for Christmas and going Christmas shopping and also helping out because we have a family business here at the house. But now a few days ago we were told that my grandmother (who lives in our home country) had a more severe stroke then those she had in the past and was left unable to speak or eat or even move her body. It was very stressful and we were considering sending my mother home to be with her which would be hard on us given the nature of our business and the holiday season but in the end we're still discussing and my family needs me to be more involved now so I don't have much time. I'm still trying to update as best as I can but my mind isn't in a happy place right now. I truly hope you won't give up on my stories because of that and I hope I'll update soon. Sorry for the long text
@YoongisChiminie thank you all my grandmother's actually getting better, I'm glad I had your support and I hope to update soon