
Helloooooo! I might have just discovered that there are people who follow me, and I appreciate that, but damn people are crazy, I am such an inactive loser. So, as a question to these 11 people, fellow victims to the dark hole of Kpop, what do you think can keep me motivated? Cause right now my updating schedule is very inconsistent and messy and I want to change that. I put out about 1 chap per month, which is not good.


Can I ask something authornim? Is stupid in love bottom tae? :>


Thank you for the follow beautiful 


@heartthrobtae looking forward to more one-shots!<3


@YoonminShipCaptain thank you sweets ): I'll be sure to update when I have an idea in mind 


@heartthrobtae looking forward to more one-shots! <3


Helloooooo! I might have just discovered that there are people who follow me, and I appreciate that, but damn people are crazy, I am such an inactive loser. So, as a question to these 11 people, fellow victims to the dark hole of Kpop, what do you think can keep me motivated? Cause right now my updating schedule is very inconsistent and messy and I want to change that. I put out about 1 chap per month, which is not good.