
So Far Away: A Min Yoongi Imagine has been unpublished while "under construction". You can now find my Smeraldo Series on AO3, as well, as I edit and reupload each chapter. Chapters 1 and 2 of So Far Away have now been reuploaded as edited and improved chapters (including new and changed scenes!). Once I am finished editing So Far Away, Golden Closet Crush will be next to be unpublished while I reconstruct my beloved series. I hope you all enjoy my improved series!


So Far Away: A Min Yoongi Imagine has been unpublished while "under construction". You can now find my Smeraldo Series on AO3, as well, as I edit and reupload each chapter. Chapters 1 and 2 of So Far Away have now been reuploaded as edited and improved chapters (including new and changed scenes!). Once I am finished editing So Far Away, Golden Closet Crush will be next to be unpublished while I reconstruct my beloved series. I hope you all enjoy my improved series!


Over the next several weeks, I will be editing and reuploading my Smeraldo series, as well as uploading them to AO3 for the very first time! Some scenes may be added and/or changed so if you would like to read my series after being edited, feel free to do so! Book 1- Saram, Sarang, Sara: A Kim Namjoon Imagine will have the most changes and has been reuploaded, as of today! For my readers following along with The One I Should Love, this "reconstruction" of my page will not affect my current FF. I am also currently writing the next chapter which will be uploaded asap. I just have so many ideas! 
          If you also are on Archive Of Our Own (AO3), FOLLOW me! @Yoonmintrash613


안여어어어엉!! Hiiii!! Sorry I've taken so long to update The One I Should Love! Life's been extremely busy the past couple of months so I wanted to give a quick update. Between working at the hospital through the pandemic, my personal home life and little sleep in between, I hit a moment of writer's block. I would literally lay down in bed deciding to work on the current chapter and I would only get through about 2 lines before falling asleep. However, I just got a new computer for my room AND just started my 3 week vacation from work so I'll work harder to get some chapters to you as quickly as possible! Fighting!  
                                                With love,


          Been taking FOREVER updating on The One I Should Love!  Between working at the hospital during this pandemic, starting my Korean class and everyday responsibilities at home, I've been too exhausted to even think straight whenever I sit down to write.  BUT, the new chapter is written more than halfway through. I hope to make the long wait worth it! Please, just wait for me a little longer.  I hope you're all staying safe and healthy!! Borahae, Armyyyy!!보라해 아미이이이