
My stomach feels weird, like butterflies when I'm asking for something or when I'm nervous. But the thing is, I'm not doing anything to make me feel that way, I'm just on my bed. Is this the gut feeling you get when your gut tries to earn you not to do something-


@YorkiiPuff tell* forgive my horrible spelling


My stomach feels weird, like butterflies when I'm asking for something or when I'm nervous. But the thing is, I'm not doing anything to make me feel that way, I'm just on my bed. Is this the gut feeling you get when your gut tries to earn you not to do something-


@YorkiiPuff tell* forgive my horrible spelling


So to clear things up, my really supportive parents just let me cry the possum thing out, who knew I just needed to cry??? Lol. For some reason I don't care anymore again- it's my mood swings I guess, my mom wants to watch the floor is lava with me now, so just wanted to clear things uP- I'm not forgiving anyone and I don't expect anyone to forgive me so- also the trans thing, I just can't make up my mind but ill take my mom's word "whatever you consider yourself, be what you wanna be, don't let peer pressure get to you, make sure you're happy" And for some reason I wanna be a boy but I still wanna be called a girl and stuff I can't really explain but, yea anyways!! I'm going to cuddle Mikey and watch the TV with my mom I guess- sorry about my mood swings lol 
          I'm not gonna be replying to anyone who came from Devilishmuffin sorry, you can call me an attention seeker and stuff just don't try to get in contact with me-


I guess i have to fight back so here my part of the story.. 
          I got possum when I was about 6-8 he was still a kitten I adored him, when we moved to Mississippi and in a trailer park Possum got sick..and so my mom never let him inside so he stayed outside, this never stopped us from seeing each other though, he would wait outside, his fur and the way he purred always made my sadness go away, possum was like my guardian angel.. Until a took a plane to Wisconsin and never saw him again until, one night I had a nightmare I was in a field trip at an adoption center and while me and my bff sat down and talked a cat that looked just like possum sat in the empty seat next to us, we had to go soon but everyone was so confused- I promised everyone I would adopt the weird cat, after we ate I went back to adopt him but I saw two teenagers holding him getting ready to adopt him, me and my bff walked up to the girls to confront them that I wanted the cat, they teased me and took the cat. When I woke up I was a wreck I didn't think of anything I just cried, when I explained to my mom she said it was god trying to say possum is gone and with him now, happy, and then that's when she told me. Possum had died, he was bitten by a snake, I cried until it felt like my head would explode, illl never forget possum it's been 4 years since I last seen him, but 5 months since his death, I miss him dearly and knowing I'll never get to see him again makes me break out tears, sorry if the writing is sloppy kinda got emotional lolll
          Don't pity for me though, I'm still harrasing someone. 


@devilishmuffin but if you wish for me to play the victim card, I'll play the victim card


@devilishmuffin Oh welp I'm not like other girls smh!!!!!!! 