
Two pieces of news for you all!
          	Without further delay, I'm here to make an important announcement. The days of hiatus are over! Crimson Flower won't be made on a weekly basis. I wanted to, but with how long chapters are, and with my insistence on writing around 500 words/day, this pace would have eventually caught up to me.
          	It's why I took a break to write the majority of the next arc by myself ahead of time, and I think it paid off. Starting this Friday (20th October), I'll be posting FE:CF on a bi-weekly basis. This will, unfortunately, KILL some of the pacing of the story, but it was the only method I could come up with without seeming MIA for a while. I'm hoping to try this new schedule and seeing where it takes us. I only hope you all don't mind it.
          	Next up...
          	I'm opening a Discord!
          	I tried Wattpad, I tried Twitter - but the truth is, I find it hard to relay information quickly and efficiently to new and continuing readers without personally communicating to them beforehand, and as such, I wanted to try something different. 
          	I know I'm no big-shot Watty writer. This server, truthfully, might just end up staying dead for a while, but I want just ONE way I can give updates on what I do in this server. If any of you want to communicate with me, then just join us, and we can gladly discuss things with one another.
          	Keep in mind, the server is still relatively new. I'm working things out with it...
          	Feedback will be appreciated, and I hope we can all have fun if I see you lot there!


@Yoshistar_Writes I'm already close (in game) to where you've left off in the story.
          	  I'll probably play the game side-by-side as I read your version, just to see the differences.




Two pieces of news for you all!
          Without further delay, I'm here to make an important announcement. The days of hiatus are over! Crimson Flower won't be made on a weekly basis. I wanted to, but with how long chapters are, and with my insistence on writing around 500 words/day, this pace would have eventually caught up to me.
          It's why I took a break to write the majority of the next arc by myself ahead of time, and I think it paid off. Starting this Friday (20th October), I'll be posting FE:CF on a bi-weekly basis. This will, unfortunately, KILL some of the pacing of the story, but it was the only method I could come up with without seeming MIA for a while. I'm hoping to try this new schedule and seeing where it takes us. I only hope you all don't mind it.
          Next up...
          I'm opening a Discord!
          I tried Wattpad, I tried Twitter - but the truth is, I find it hard to relay information quickly and efficiently to new and continuing readers without personally communicating to them beforehand, and as such, I wanted to try something different. 
          I know I'm no big-shot Watty writer. This server, truthfully, might just end up staying dead for a while, but I want just ONE way I can give updates on what I do in this server. If any of you want to communicate with me, then just join us, and we can gladly discuss things with one another.
          Keep in mind, the server is still relatively new. I'm working things out with it...
          Feedback will be appreciated, and I hope we can all have fun if I see you lot there!


@Yoshistar_Writes I'm already close (in game) to where you've left off in the story.
            I'll probably play the game side-by-side as I read your version, just to see the differences.




Slightly delaying the next arc of FE:CF. I wanted it done by September at the latest, but it might just take a month more for that. I can confirm that I'm 3/5 of the way through it, though. I just got burnout for a bit and then proceeded to tire myself out through IRL obligations, so I needed rest for a while. 
          Sorry in advance, but I hope you all can abide with my request for your patient.


@Yoshistar_Writes Don't worry Yoshi, we struggle with our writing afterall so better rest


            Hey, don't worry about it! There's a lot going on at the moment and that's not even counting PIKMIN FOUR BAYBEEEE THE GUB GUBS


Some quick-fire updates for all of you, because paragraphs are cringe and I want to make this quick to I don't waste all of you time! ;)
          - The 19th of June (this month) marks the third anniversary of Fire Emblem: Crimson Flower (FE:CF), and it also just so happens to be my 19th birthday. Funny how I came into Wattpad when I was so young, huh?
          - To celebrate such an auspicious event, I'll be putting out an interlude chapter on the next arc on that day. This is a chapter long-foreshadowed beforehand, and it's also one giving us about 18K words of content (if my first draft has anything to say about it), so GO WILD! It's the longest chapter in the fic, which says a lot.
          - This chappy is an interlude. The next arc, the Gautier Inheritance, will hopefully come out late-July, but also mid- August if plans go awry.
          - What of Splatoon, you ask? I desperately want to put it out there again and get back into it, but time is of the essence as I grow older. At some point, I think I could definitely consider Splatoon writing again during the my off-hand breaks, but I can't make promises lest I get my writing backlog and schedule in order.
          - In about 2 days, all of FE:CF will be on Ao3. Give it a Kudos if you can. It means a lot, and it's taken me almost an entire year to get it all checked and put on there. 
          - I have a Twitter. Yeah, I know. OH NO! Joking aside, I've wanted to use it for a while on updates to my writing, since I personally think dumping my Discord for everyone would be a bit overly personal. Hoping to one day use Twitter often, but for now you can give a follow if you wish to just support me. 
          Finally, I have to say a thank you. For so many years now, FE:CF has been my passion project, and I'm very happy to the few ongoing followers I have for keeping up with me. As per usual, I'm obsessively writing all the time, and I hope you guys can keep up and stay interested for as long as we know one another. From the bottom of my heart: 
          Thank you!


A notice for y'all: New Crimson Flower chapters won't be out for a month or so. I'm rereading through all of what we have so far to properly correct it all in terms of grammar and such. Once that's done, I'll be sure to upload more quickly than before!
          My aim is to finish the Remire Village Arc by next year, so for those that have played the game, you should have a basic understanding of my plans. That's all, and toodles! :D


New Story - Splatoon 3: Mammalian Takeover:
          Once more, the Zapfish has been stolen. With all eyes of the Squidbeak Splatoon on surveillance, and all hands on-deck to recapture and rescue it, a realisation has been made that a villainous and foul threat is approaching. Fuzzy ooze capable of rendering anyone immobile and furrified has taken over parts of Inkopolis, preventing safety for those nearby.
          After locating it's whereabouts to be beneath a crater, formally dubbed, "Alterna," Alister, a young inkling who's specialties lie in everything but Turf War is appointed as the New Agent 3 of the Squidbeak Splatoon. Despite all odds, she's been tasked with the rescue and safety of Former Captain Cuttlefish, and the eradication of all that plagues the city of Splatsville's safety. 
          With those working alongside her, it is up to everyone to identify Alterna's past, alongside the origins of its former residents.  Much lies within the wreckage that houses this threat, and with each secret found seeming far more malicious than the last, Alistar may have more to deal with than she bargained for - before all of Splatsville meets their inevitable end.




TL;DR: I have a bunch of Splatoon announcements to make for any of my old Octo Rising readers out there!
          A while back before Splatoon 3 was coming out, I actually took some time to read through Octo Rising again, and whilst I'm absolutely proud of how I made such an interesting twist on an otherwise fairly standard Story Mode, this has also meant that the story has aged over time as a result of it being made during my early teen-life. I discussed with multiple friends back then about the idea of me remaking it, however with Crimson Flower, I left the idea on the bench.
          Either way, I came today to make an announcement! Whilst not as long or, "angsty," as Octo Rising, I have another story in the works - one based on Splatoon 3. 
          What comes next, then? I've perhaps been juggling the idea of making a trilogy of books for the Splatoon series, perhaps making the original Splatoon novelisation more as a prequel that foreshadows events in Octo Rising and the next instalment, being roughly 20+ chapters in length. I'll get to work on that idea soon, but today I wanted to reveal the main idea of my new story - set to hopefully come out in the coming month or so.
          Without further ado, I'll be putting up the synopsis of the new story as another announcement in my profile, and I sincerely hope that anyone interested checks it out! It definitely won't be as much of an emotionally driven story like before, but I definitely want to explore writing it as more of a Mystery/Comedy take the games. The most I'll reveal outside of the original blurb is that I don't want anyone to worry. I've figured out a way to work the old Octo Rising plot points into the story, so we'll all be seeing Tess again soon, which is honestly not the words I thought I'd ever say, to be honest.
          But anyway - check my profile if this interests you. The top announcement I make after this is the working blurb for my new Splatoon entry - Splatoon 3: Mammalian Takeover.


@SentientPaintCan, yes way indeed! I'm writing on it whenever I can, but it's definitely a work in progress. I just hope you enjoy it when it arrives! Having to beat Octo Rising's story is gonna be tough.




@LegendaryEpidemic, glad to hear it! Hope you like the blurb that's on my profile now. XD
            Yes... I may have done a shameless plug. :P


Sorry to annoy you all with a 2nd ping today, but I've wanted to say that I recently started trying to put Crimson Flower within Ao3 (better known as "Archive of Our Own"). I'm definitely not asking you all to go and read the story a second time, but I've been doing some corrections to both the Wattpad Edition and the Ao3 one as a result. It's not worthy of a reread, but I just wanted to make my story more accessible, potentially so I can get more readers.
          Also, since Splatoon 3's Direct came out and all, I was feeling nostalgic and started reading Octo Rising. Those comments still make me feel humbled to this day, which is strange since I'm still slightly ashamed of the errors that story had. It was a time I didn't know how an apostrophe worked, it seems. Maybe after I import all of Crimson Flower onto Ao3, I can then move onto working towards Octo Rising getting its own Ao3 Edition. Since the story is so dated in regards to my quality, that version would most definitely deserve a reread, but I definitely think it's a story that makes up for its poor quality by its narrative. Obviously, I'm the writer of Octo Rising, so me saying this is very much me sounding slightly egotistical. 
          TL;DR - I want to make my stories more accessible! I've been looking into Fanfiction.net as well, but the interface on the app at least is very confusing for my poor Wattpad-oriented self. I massively dislike the algorithm on Wattpad, though, so instead of quitting it, I'm going to try and explore new avenues as well. I'm not leaving Wattpad, ever! I've talked to so many wonderful people here, and it's a massive waste to leave you all behind. I just want to make my works more accessible. At least in this way, I can figure out new avenues to tread down and maybe even gain new insights into bettering myself as a writer.


@yoshistar_123 I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it then.
            *JK Simmons voice* And I expect a full report on my desk in two days!


@LegendaryEpidemic, definitely agree with you wholeheartedly. I love Wattpad for all the memories I have of it, but I myself want to branch out into other stuff, too. I think both sites - Wattpad and Ao3 - have their own niches and varieties, but I think it provides some freedom to readers in their preferences and choices. If you want a more condensed experience, pick Ao3. If you like details such as imagery and aesthetics and don't mind some minor loading errors, then picking Wattpad is the way to go. I do wish there was a 'best of both worlds' scenario, but I also appreciate the choice of freedom. That's something I believe the world of writing is strong in, and it rightfully so should be. I can't admittedly comment much on the environment since I'm so new to Ao3, but I can get back to you when I eventually do interact with readers on there. XD


@yoshistar_123 It sucks that as a site, Wattpad functions exactly how I want it to, in regards to book covers, the filing system, how it's organized (for the most part. I still think that on the desktop version we need a "Drafts" section like on mobile) and just generally how the chapters function.
            I'm okay with missing a thing or two though for the sake of better management, if that's what Ao3 is offering. Freedom of creativity, and a non-toxic/non-perverse work environment.


I was working so I'm slightly salty I missed the Splatoon 3 Direct, but here are my thoughts:
          - Damn it I'm hyped all over again!
          - Ayo, why are people making fun of Fyre? I didn't even think too hard on the forehead till I saw the memes. She's amazing as is!
          - Big Man is our boi! Respect him!
          - Glad we have confirmation of paid DLC on Off The Hook.
          - Remember how I once mentioned I'm a Callie fan? They look like they won't be completely shafting her in this game which I'm very hyped for!
          - Oh, and the Sheldon Tickets to buy weapons is amazing! Weapons got REALLY expensive eventually in Splatoon so I'm happy this is a thing now so I can focus my main money elsewhere.
          Overall, hype game! So excited and will be buying on Day 1 if I can!


@SentientPaintCan, I'm glad someone appreciate Frye. I'm gonna be honest, I don't know what team I'm picking yet. I think I might go with Rock, but I forgot who is which team. Either way, I'm definitely looking forward to the Splatfest!


            I love Frye too. Her not entirely focused attitude during the Splatfest announcement was comedy gold, especially with Big Man the legend himself and Shiver who is just trying to be serious with Rock Paper Scissors hahaha. Deep Cut is such a unique and awesome take on the idols and I could not be happier


@AR-037, no worries! I'm always happy to answer.the site sadly doesn't allow for story covers, but from the get-go you can write a description of your story, out tags to find stuff, and even put an Author's Notes section in each chapter. It's accessible in that you can swap between stories at will, and each chapter and story tells you their total word count. The interface and design is slightly more complicated than Wattpad, but it's a very good place to get stories out there. 
            I think in general, Ao3 is a place to get fanfictions on the internet. You do need to wait a bit when signing up, but the site mostly aims for preservation from what I've seen, and it's a nice alternative to Wattpad if you're looking to get more readers or find more stories.


          Fire Emblem has chapters I haven't read...
          Are you back!?
          Why doesn't Wattpad tell me these things!?
          Looks like I have something to do tomorrow


@yoshistar_123 hmmm maybe I should write again too. At least finish Final Fantasy anyway.


@LegendaryEpidemic, haha! I'm actually still in the middle of writing the new ones, but Three Hopes keeps ushering me back! :P
            Hopefully I can pump things out in a good rate soon!