
Rest in peace, Goo Hara.
          	We've lost another angel.


Today I wait for night's wake once more. The worlds of wonder it brings with it - the words of love and those of death. Emotions held against the heart of a scared girl, shivering against the remains of the warmth her father had once brought to her. A world of feeling opens up under the stars, and under those stars we are left alone. Left alone to face all we know by ourselves. Everything plunges into question, and some choose to shy away from the paranoia. 
          The dark hides nothing but ourselves, our fears, our pains, and our highs. Our darkest secrets. Nothing more, no ghosts, no demons, just us; or maybe we are the demons, maybe we are the ghosts. Maybe it is what we truly are that we fear the most.  
          Under the moon, enveloped in night's calming embrace is love. On rooftops, enveloped in death's loving embrace is moving on. Tonight, somebody will leave it all behind. Tonight, somebody will stand as close to the moon as they can, that someone will haze out at what he's to leave behind. One... Two... Three... And it's all gone. 
          Tonight I wait for heart's wake once more. The worlds of choice it brings with it. The words of death and lost loves. Emotion held heavy against the light weight of our hearts. Light; and light will always be there - even tonight. 


Hey luv when will you update broken? I miss u ;c


@MinTheThic_ I'm sorry for being so slow. NJSLA is coming up and I just finished my benchmark tests, so stress city right there. However, we don't have school tomorrow because of district PD so I'll try to update it either tomorrow or Friday. Thank you for your support, warms my heart♥♥♥♥