Oh gosh, hey everyone! Long time no read, haha. How are all of you? Are you all hanging in there? I sure do hope so. ❤️
So it’s been about two years since I published my last fan fiction, right? That’s crazy. Well, to be completely honest, I haven’t been able to write new ones for two reasons that you might want to know about. Please read until the very, very end!
1. I’ve had a terrible writer’s block! I’be felt an awful blank forever basically and I felt so bad that I couldn’t give you what I could like, so why would you like it? Sorry!
2. I’m moving on! I’m so sorry about this. I haven’t watched a single Twaimz, Shane Dawson, Smosh, Markiplier, or even a Thomas Sanders video in years, because I moved passed everything! My apologies are beyond words that I could ever write.
Whether I have given you smiles or tears in the past, I hope you hold onto those. I’m sorry for not being able to give you the good content you guys deserve! However, I thought as I logged onto this account that I’d give you all one more story before I leave forever. Yes, forever. It was a hard decision, but I’m finally going to spread my wings and explore a new chapter of my life. ❤️
TL;DR: I’m making one final story! Comment on this announcement to help me decide who it’ll be about!