
          	A date in the lifes of my parents in which is a reminder that their second (and last child to have) was born now 19 years later that child is still alive going on with life reading and writing (and sometimes drawing) and still has a long way to go! I happy to say I made it! Though I have more experiences to go through and growing older as the days go by. :)


Hey:) Thanks SO much for all the votes and the follow, it means a lot:)


I hope it will:)


@FanFictionFreak16 Oh ok judging by the title it sounds interesting!  :)


Yeah about that... When I published it, only half the story came through so I deleted it. I'm redoing it tomorrow afternoon.


          A date in the lifes of my parents in which is a reminder that their second (and last child to have) was born now 19 years later that child is still alive going on with life reading and writing (and sometimes drawing) and still has a long way to go! I happy to say I made it! Though I have more experiences to go through and growing older as the days go by. :)


Hey everyone! I made a new story however it has yet to have it's first chapter up until tomorrow cuz that's when I'm starting school and what not so the notice is a sum up of what to expect from than on so yeah that pretty much it!