So, I am finally back! Sort of anyway. I haven't written anything in a really long time and I am sorry if anyone has been expecting updates of my stories. I have taken down my incomplete stories for now, but I promise I will get back to them as soon as possible. I wish it had something to do with writer's block, but sadly it doesn't. I have been feeling somewhat disconnected from my emotions for a while now and I have started writing again just a week or two ago in order to overcome that. And this book is going to tell you why. I would have told the people in my life about it instead of writing to strangers, if they wouldn't have been so unavailable. So, I will just pretend that I know everyone who is going to read this and hopefully I will find my feelings again. I know this post is a little dramatic, but please bear with me. Thank you. I just published "Fallen Angels: Dedications" of my story "Fallen Angels".