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Basically yes. It was the first one I wrote 3 years ago when I was 13 and finally leaving middle school. So if you read the first version of it on Fanfiction dot net, it's a little immature, but a lot of people said it was good.
It's pretty much altering what would've happened if One managed to save Hilde and they escaped. The reason I rewrote it is because I killed a few characters I regretted killing (*cough*... Ivan *cough* *cough*), and a few others that I thought would be best left out, like the New Lorien Defense Force, this band of Loric who made it to Earth and die in the same chapter they're revealed.
Also, now that I'm older, I realize that the whole Adam/One romance that everyone said was great is actually super cliché. I mean, Adam was trained from birth to want to kill her, and she has been training since she was 10 years old to kill his people. Why the heck would they immediately become friends, let alone lovers?
So in the new version, One and Adam are gonna be at odds more. Really, just worry about these characters like they're likable people on Game of Thrones. Not even joking. No one is gonna be safe in this new version. Until I say that the story is officially over, a character can die. Not a joke.
Anyway, if you want, make some tea and enjoy the fluffy 13-year-old depression version of "The Quest of One" on fanfiction dot net... while I work to complete the 16-year-old American Gods/The Last of Us/Attack on Titan/The Road sob story that is "The Quest of One" revamped.
Enjoy, lol.