
Sorry it's been so long. But after years of planning and outlining, I am proud to publish the first five chapters of The Quest of One! This is the final draft and I promise that I am writing it in sequence. Any hiatus is due to keeping with the linear timeline of the story. I hope you guys enjoy!


I know this is a little creepy but I found you on the iamnumberfour wikia page. I’m new to the series and I’ve read seventeen of the books in three weeks so I think it’s safe to say I’m pretty invested in this series. However, I’m poor. I saw you mentioned that you might make a pdf of Out of The Ashes and I’m really desperate for a free copy. I was wondering if you had any way I could read it for free, could you please share it with me?  I haven’t been able to find anything and from the reviews I’m reading I really don’t know if I wanna spend four bucks on an ebook (Ik I’m cheap). I’m also on the tenth book of the lost files and I kind of want to use that four bucks on The Fugitive because, again, I can’t find a free copy of it online. Help a sister out? 


Thank you for waiting so patiently for this new version. This is indeed the final version I will upload (give or take a few grammatical edits if anyone notices any)! I apologize for the long wait. To anyone from Fanfiction dot net, can you believe it's been about two years? I hope you enjoy this newer, darker take on TQO1. Feel free to ask any questions about the new story plot, which will be divided into several arcs. Once again, thank you!


This story is back on the published list! (for those who were actually reading and enjoying it) I hope you all enjoy. After much consideration I decided to reupload this to Wattpad.  The layout will be told chapter by chapter, with the constant flashbacks cutting in. Sometimes they'll be more interesting than the actual current storyline, sometimes they'll just be minor things. Anyway, stick with this story, because Vital Signs is back.


Hey this is Aheaney15 from the I Am Number Four Wiki. I so far love the Numbers fanfic, and I would love to see it continued! Are there any plans for chapter 3 anytime soon? Thanks!


That's very interesting! I like it. Speaking of which, I actually have a fan-edit version of the entire series. It's mostly the same (I used the actual books as a template), except I got rid of all of the discrepancies (it wasn't as hard as it sounds, just replaced words to keep them consistent), added more action to the first book, tied as many loose ends as I could, and killed off Adam and Five in the final battle (in the epilogue I had statues made of Adam, Five, and Dust next to the academy in honor of them, and it inspires Rex to finish what Adam started in Alaska). It's not published yet, as it is not complete.


Also beware of Ella prophecies that "don't exist anymore" in the books. The new version will have some of those coming true.


this message may be offensive
Basically yes. It was the first one I wrote 3 years ago when I was 13 and finally leaving middle school. So if you read the first version of it on Fanfiction dot net, it's a little immature, but a lot of people said it was good.
            It's pretty much altering what would've happened if One managed to save Hilde and they escaped. The reason I rewrote it is because I killed a few characters I regretted killing (*cough*... Ivan *cough* *cough*), and a few others that I thought would be best left out, like the New Lorien Defense Force, this band of Loric who made it to Earth and die in the same chapter they're revealed.
            Also, now that I'm older, I realize that the whole Adam/One romance that everyone said was great is actually super cliché. I mean, Adam was trained from birth to want to kill her, and she has been training since she was 10 years old to kill his people. Why the heck would they immediately become friends, let alone lovers?
            So in the new version, One and Adam are gonna be at odds more. Really, just worry about these characters like they're likable people on Game of Thrones. Not even joking. No one is gonna be safe in this new version. Until I say that the story is officially over, a character can die. Not a joke.
            Anyway, if you want, make some tea and enjoy the fluffy 13-year-old depression version of "The Quest of One" on fanfiction dot net... while I work to complete the 16-year-old American Gods/The Last of Us/Attack on Titan/The Road sob story that is "The Quest of One" revamped.
            Enjoy, lol.


Hey what's up? I keep checking this and wanting to see a new chapter, but to no avail. Please try to post this weekend or next. Please  ;(


hmmm. okay. 
            I loved tFo10 because at the end a character died that i hated.


Hey. So after reading a decent amount of the other books, I've decided to revamp the story. It won't take long. But I have the PSATs next week, so it might be coming next weekend. Thank you for the message. I appreciate this a lot.


Took time off to finish reading The Fate of Ten. Great book, very well written compared to many other novels in the series. It won't make any major changes to how this story will play out. The next two chapters will be posted on the same day after Labor Day.
          In early Fall, I will release my original story.