
Chapter 2 of Some Scars Won't Heal is up. Monica's first day of school!


@CuteKittyCat731 I have 3 children and I'm only 23. Most people look down at it, but even though they were oopses they were blessings and I like that I will still be pretty young when they are old enough to start their own lives :) I'll be 36 when my oldest graduates highschool lol


My mom is currently 52 and I have not graduated highschool. 


Okay everyone, I'm so very sorry that it's been so long since I've last updated. I've had a lot going on in the past year including moving and having a new baby, so please forgive me. If there are any of you that are still interested in my stories let me know which you would like me to start working on again and I will try to get a new update done for you soon :)


I know it has been a while since I've updated and I apologize for that. I will be working on the second chapter of my newest story soon and then after that I will be working on the first chapter to the second story of the Howl of the Elements stories.