This may be at a random time but I just wanna say how I feel like a lot of people question why when I put people like Saiyan Izu v.s. AFO or Demon Izu V.s. Shigiraki they don’t stomp on Shigiraki or AFO immediately well I just wanna say I am not nerfing Saiyans or Demons but I am simply buffing the Villains to keep the story interesting, Since it wouldn’t be a good story if Izuku just one shots everything not to mention I also wanna try and give them mental conflict, Like Saiyan Izu needing to get over Dad Might’s death since it was a lost of a father figure and Demon Izu being afraid of his own unhinged Power I wanna make the story interesting while also giving them Character Development like an actual Anime even if it doesn’t look like the best way, Since it isn’t easy making a character interesting without character development and it feels like a waste forcing these characters stay at base 1 Oppose to letting them grow and effect the people around him