

OH MY GOD! HI! I haven’t been on in forever and I’m really sorry!!!! I’ve just been falling out of a lot of fandoms and yeah….. BUT IM STILL HERE FOR TMF AND THAT, OML! Just- busy with school and ‘being the best’ and AHHH! Yeah. Again, sorry!! I missed this platform and I’ll try to respond to the 138 messages y’all left me :’) merry post Christmas!!!


I'm trying to restrain myself from starting the sequel to JGTE long before the original is even finished.


@BookwormPuppy7 Perfect! Zuffering is my OTP next to Lander.


@YourAverageTMFFan There's quite a bit of it in JGTE, so it could easily be called a Zander x Suffering fanfic.


I think the reason you don't have very many followers is because you don't have a pfp or covers for your books. Might I suggest you change your pfp and book covers as it would probably increase the reads and your followers because it gains more ppls attention. You don't have to ofc but I'm just suggesting it because your writing is really good and it needs more viewss


Oh :o ty for the advice!! I’ll try to do that. I’ve tried to upload covers but Wattpad is stupid for me in that sense :’) but I’ll keep trying. Again, thank you!


I’m sorry to keep doing this  but I had another idea for a Lander book. A kind of TW book with deaths and that, with some kind of magic. Nothing brings people together like life and death situations, right? Anyways, I’m doing this because I can focus on finishing stuff (ex. Dynamic chapter 4 and the Sleep Drunk Luke book) better when I’m multitasking. I just find it easier to keep up when it’s harder to keep up. That sounds weird XD but okay then. Would anybody be up for THAT along w/ the other 2 things?


@YourAverageTMFFan That actually kinda reminds me of JGTE. XD


@YourAverageTMFFan Yesssss- I accept anything that has Lander in it-