
*Update* I'm going to try to post here more often with updates for those of you that follow me for Color Me Red & Blue or The Witch and the Witch Hunter since I've decided to outline and then rewrite them both.
          	[COLOR ME RED & BLUE]: what I'm working on primarily since it is only a little longer than a novella. I'm almost done outlining, and I've already started rewriting chapters 1-4! Once I finish Act 1, I think is when I will start reposting it.
          	[THE WITCH AND THE WITCH HUNTER]: my baby that I am thoroughly and passionately plotting this time around. I know it looked like it was near completion before but I scrapped it because I have like a million ideas to make it better and do more justice to Dakota & Archer's story. I already have an overarching plan for a trilogy, and I'm so freaking excited to share it with everyone!
          	That's it for now. Thanks for you guys' continuous support even while I've been on college hiatus ♥️ Feel free to DM me with questions or anything.


@YourBestNightmare hey hows the witch and witcher book going?


Hello I hope all is well. I would just like to know if you will be updating any of your books in the near future as I truly enjoyed reading them,specifically The witch and the witch hunter. I know you have not updated for a few years now and I am just curious to know if you have stopped writing for good or if you will begin to write again. 


Hello. I hope you are doing well especially during these difficult times. But I cannot resist the urge to ask you about your book: The Witch and the Witch Hunter. Are you willing to continue editing and updating it? I hope you did not give up on this story because from just the teaser I have completely fallen in love with it. 
          I shall end my rant right here. One again, I hope you are doing well and good luck with your writing❤


*Update* I'm going to try to post here more often with updates for those of you that follow me for Color Me Red & Blue or The Witch and the Witch Hunter since I've decided to outline and then rewrite them both.
          [COLOR ME RED & BLUE]: what I'm working on primarily since it is only a little longer than a novella. I'm almost done outlining, and I've already started rewriting chapters 1-4! Once I finish Act 1, I think is when I will start reposting it.
          [THE WITCH AND THE WITCH HUNTER]: my baby that I am thoroughly and passionately plotting this time around. I know it looked like it was near completion before but I scrapped it because I have like a million ideas to make it better and do more justice to Dakota & Archer's story. I already have an overarching plan for a trilogy, and I'm so freaking excited to share it with everyone!
          That's it for now. Thanks for you guys' continuous support even while I've been on college hiatus ♥️ Feel free to DM me with questions or anything.


@YourBestNightmare hey hows the witch and witcher book going?


Been trying this thing out called "outlining". Haha, I feel like I have learned writing completely backwards over the past decade, but I am determined to finish my book this year, and I decided to try planning it out for once.
          ...Why did it take me so long?? My whole writing life would have been so much easier up until this point!
          But yeah, I'm currently planning out Color Me Red & Blue, and I'm excited to jump back into writing it. It's going to be a wild ride for Emery, I'm telling you.


I have been doing book critiques, and I am currently writing the next chapter in Color Me Red and Blue! I am really excited with how things are going... I have to keep reminding myself to pace myself so I don't start throwing everything at ya too quickly xD
          Thanks to my 50ish consistent readers! I love you guys and I'm so thankful for y'all following along <3