Hey there, Grace.
Yeah, it’s me again. You haven’t been gone for very long, but it honestly feels like it has been forever.
You were the first person I met on Wattpad, and I honestly don’t know if I’d still be on here if I hadn’t met you. And even though we took a really long hiatus from talking, all I’ve been wanting to do since I got your small letter on my conversation board is talk to you.
I really miss how we used to talk. I understand that you had to delete your account for personal reasons and all of that, I just really wish I could’ve talked to you one last time before you left. I really wish I would’ve been able to find a way to still talk to you, even if you didn’t have Wattpad anymore.
If you don’t come back to Wattpad ever, even for just a day, I’ll be devastated. I’m not sure if I showed it well, but you were one of my closest friends /ever/ and I’d hate to never be able to talk to you again.
Sorry for, again, spamming your vacant account with a next to useless letter. I just want to tell you how I feel, even if you won’t see it.