
Hey..been a hot minute,I haven't been on Wattpad for a year..?wow..I just wanted to say I can't remember what email I put my account on xD but I remembered I put it on my first account, and boom, I'm back on,but yeah..sorry for the long update 


Long awaited update,I mean


I'm..kind of making a return?I don't know anymore,but.. I have a job now!!I.. might end up losing it if they can't hire me,but that's fine, it's only for 3 days,on a causal basis,but,yeah.. I'm okay, just letting you guys know when I can,with someone else's wifi of course xD anyway,my return will be... MAKING MY ACCOUNT INTO DARKIMOO!:3


Hey heey..been a hot minute,buut.. I'm living with my dad permanently!!!:D I'm finally free from my uncle's house!his wife especially..;u;but yes, I'm free from my uncle's house,yes my dad has no wifi,but it's fine.. I'm free from all the bad things,I have an awesome older brother,who is amazing,he loves to get bites from the food I'm eating.. xD but he's amazing,my dad's girlfriend Is also amazing, she's like a mother figure, and she doesn't let anyone make me do something I don't want to do


My MC From DDLC -is called Devin, whenever I move out of this.. hellhole of a house, I'm buying myself a computer, getting it ready and downloading DDLC,as much as I love my family,I want to be gone from them,not sooner,not later..I can't stand being here anymore,my uncle doesn't like me,his wife hates the hell out of me,if she could, she'd probably stab me in my sleep! I've never liked it here,but when my mom passed away..we had no choice,we had to move back to our hometown,I love my hometown,I just.. hate being in my uncle's house,but yes,if i get my own place, I'll have freedom to do whatever I want!I can make my own rules,and make people follow MY rules.


Hey Y'all...I know I haven't been online for a few days,or weeks..I don't know,but it's..been hard,I can't do anything without getting in trouble, I'd say I'll move out,but..where would I go?I can't go to my dad, because he wants to protect me from his lifestyle, he's always busy,he drinks a lot,he has guests over sometimes,so.. yeah