
Hey guys!!! I just wanted to let all of you know that I started a new book and just couldn't help but to publish it. It's called The Poem Nerd and obviously it's about poems. I will also feature other writers's poems in this book so here's what to do if you want your poem or poems to be published in my book: 1.) Write the poem (obviously) 2.) Send the poem to me in a private message 3.) Add your username or real name if you want... And voila!!! Kay thanks guys 


Thanks for adding Highland Fling to your reading list. I'm tickled that a Gaby will be reading about my Gaby... Strong women are my thing too. Emma


@SavvyDunn no problem, it was an amazing read. It was actually her name that intrigued me since I haven't come across a lot of female leads with the name Gaby. So thank you for representing us Gaby's so well. ❤


Hey guys!!! I just wanted to let all of you know that I started a new book and just couldn't help but to publish it. It's called The Poem Nerd and obviously it's about poems. I will also feature other writers's poems in this book so here's what to do if you want your poem or poems to be published in my book: 1.) Write the poem (obviously) 2.) Send the poem to me in a private message 3.) Add your username or real name if you want... And voila!!! Kay thanks guys 


Hey guys so i got some bad news. My computrer gpt stolen so all i got is my phone andnoyhing else!!!!! Fifth time's a Charm was written till theend, Falling for Nemo and the Bubblegum squad was also edited on my computer, but now all that is lost.  Im so angry because all my new and old writing projects were on there and now i have to rewrite 15 stories. Anyway i just want to say sorry and that ill try my best to redo everyhing for you guys.