
I searched up my Author name and full name in google search just to discover one of my books have been stolen by multiple sites and sold on sites that I did not publish my book too.
          	If you see The Twin(S)mutt on any other site besides, or Wattpad. It is not me selling it and most likely a scam!
          	Do not buy from them as I will make it free from now on, on my profile here.
          	Thank you for your time and attention


I searched up my Author name and full name in google search just to discover one of my books have been stolen by multiple sites and sold on sites that I did not publish my book too.
          If you see The Twin(S)mutt on any other site besides, or Wattpad. It is not me selling it and most likely a scam!
          Do not buy from them as I will make it free from now on, on my profile here.
          Thank you for your time and attention


Hello everyone, I will be updating the 'Halves' book
          On Sunday 29th of December
          In that time I will be in the progress of writing ten chapters
          Thank you for all the people that have read the series this far and have been very patient with the wait.
          Not long now, you will get what you have been waiting for.


@YourSecreetAuthor Sorry, got my date wrong
            I meant Sunday 4th January 