
Well it's been quite a while since we last updated my profile, I doubt anybody is going to read my post, or my stories. We still post them anyways, or atleast I do not him. I feel like just keeping them to myself is useless, I made them, so why not post them? Well, I don't why I took the time to type all this at 2 in the morning, but I guess I should just post these anyways


Well it's been quite a while since we last updated my profile, I doubt anybody is going to read my post, or my stories. We still post them anyways, or atleast I do not him. I feel like just keeping them to myself is useless, I made them, so why not post them? Well, I don't why I took the time to type all this at 2 in the morning, but I guess I should just post these anyways


Thanks for adding my story to your reading list! (Love how punny your username is XD) Have a good day! :D
          -LGGH AKA Atticus


@LeGirlGamerHere No need to thank me I got very interested in this stroy and might I say it is wonderful. Im a huge Otaku and Your Lie In April is one of my favorite anime. Make more stories please! And Thank you I wanted the opposite name