
Well here it is! The preface of my new book about me! Hope you like it 


Hello to all who still remember me! Pretty soon I’ll be posting a book about me. A book that I’ve been needing to make to help others realize the signs of being in an emotionally/mentally abusive relationship. 
          I know my presence on this app has been long gone for years, but I’ve returned to preoccupy my mind with a hobby—writing.
          For as long as I can remember, I love to write. I feel like in order for me to fully come to terms and start a healing process, I need to talk about this traumatic part of my life.
          To help myself, to help others, to help you❤️‍


this message may be offensive
Happy Thanksgiving my lovelies❤️ Today is a day where I can show how grateful I am to everyone in my life. I'm so grateful for all my family who've done nothing but love me unconditional. 
          I love my best friend, Madison, who has done nothing but care about me and love me throughout our whole friendship. Words can't explain how thankful I am for her because she's never left my side EVER❤️ We both keep each other breathing and happy. She has been one of the bestest friends I've ever had other than my two best friends till this very fucking day in Cali
          Lea and Kayla, we barely talk but I still miss you so much and I fucking love you deeply❤️I still cry everyday on this day because memories of this day has made it both a happy and tragic day for me
          To all my close friends, good friends, and acquaintances, You're still a special part of my life because you make me who I am. You guys keep me from being in a bad mood and bring me up❤️
          I'm grateful for all my readers who continue to support my books and read them every day and every night. You guys are the best and I'm so highly grateful of each and every one of y'all
          Have a wonderful day guys❤️ It's a deep and dark place but please don't forget how much you are loved It may be just one person, a group of people, or a whole crowd. Just remember you are fucking loved no matter where you are in life. You matter to SOMEONE! Spend this day giving positivity and spend this day telling people you are grateful for them. 


God it's been so long. I really miss you so much and I really want to talk again. But I dont know if you have the same number or if you wanna talk to me but god damn I miss you. :(


I really hope you're doing better and I wish nothing but the best for you. You're a wonderful girl and you deserve the world.