
Where's my husband?


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Lets see how long this gap is going to be, i had freaking good shit in my bag and like one of my friends were carrying my bag, they don't go to school anymore cause they were kicked out, but i parted with them to go to class, cause im not that much of a bad kid , anyways, my friend got taken to the office idk when and my other friend tried to take the bag, but the principal took the damn bag and said it was mine, like bitch shes my friend! Fuck off mind you beeswax, and i skipped the last block to see if my friend got my bag cause neither of us knew if the friend that isn't going to the school had my bag, i went to their house and their mom lets me in, i went to their room and asked if they had my bag, nope, fucking hell! So we went back to the school to see if i can get my bag back, and we got taken to the office and made me unload my bag and go through it, we got to a blue bag, i tried to play it off and say it was just a blanket, but no! She said to take that out! So there it was, a fucking bong and a purple bag, the bag had a pipe in it, and it had fucking joints in it! 3 fucking shit! I hate my life, they prob threw it all away, im going to kill myself, do you know how much money we lost?! 


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 idk either i was just carrying the shit around 


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I'm back to writing her eand damn, look how long it has been! Idk but I just read one of my drafts and now have to hold in my laughter cause I'm not supposed to be awake, and DAMN, it was funny, even though it was short it had so many swears and shit I didn't even know what was happening, like Jesus 


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I joined a voice call with some people and they seemed nice at first and after a couple minutes some more people joined, and then they started fighting and shit, and we were playing games, the call was on discord anyways, they started being racist like man, and then like more fighting and insulting while me just sitting there being quiet scared out of my mind just playing the game on the verge of a panic attack like omfg, after awhile they get banned! Yay! The version with out all caps and just correct spelling and ver I sent to my wife