
I have a big reading test tomorrow and I probably should get some sleep, tbf I got a 100 on the last one and I'm at like a high school reading level while in junior high so I think I'll do fine. Instead of sleeping, I shall be writing. :3
          	Love y'all <3


We've done it guys. I've finished my first fanfic, and you've probably finished reading it (if you did). I'm so proud of how far we've come. It's not just me, it's all of us. You guys, commentors and silent readers, are my motivation. It feels so good that I've finished it, but it's not the end of the story. A Sprinkle of Cinnamon and a Touch of Nutmeg, the sequel to A Little Sugar Turned the Vinegar Sweet, will be out soon.
          Again, that you guys so much for your and love and support along this journey. I love you guys so much! <3


Happy New Years everybody! So, we're getting close to end of A Little Sugar Turned the Vinegar Sweet as you all know. I'm not sure if Aphmau is going to come out with another season of M.I.D., but even if she does, I already have plans for the second book.
          Yes, it's official. Once I finish A Little Sugar Turned the Vinegar Sweet which will just be the whole series of M.I.D., I'm going to write what happens after the cliffhanger as my own story. Hope y'all are enjoying it so far! Love y'all!


Mmk, I've got some news for y'all. I found out like a week ago I made my school socer team I just forgot about it until now. Lol. And one of my family's Christmas traditions is to give gifts to each other on Christmas Eve and open presents from 'Santa' on Christmas Day. Well, my family truly freaking loves me. Lol. My brother got me a 12 pack of shrimp ramen, my sis got me a heated blanket (which I am currently under), and my nana got me a heated hoodie. What more could a gal need? (I also got books, pokemon cards, and this cool Mbappe jersey that my papa bought when he was in Barcelona. Mbappe is a famous soccer player.)


Three things in this message:
          I'm trying to get a chapter of ALSTTVS (A Little Sugar Turned the Vinegar Sweet) out soon! In the meantime, I just posted the next chapter of The Princess's Sin if you want to check that out.
          Friend me and join me in playing Roblox! I play Rainbow Friends, Piggy, Adopt Me, Dragon Adventures, Blade Ball, WCUE, etc.
          User: soupisawesome862
          Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! And happy Kwanzaa!


So I know I haven't posted in a long time, but I'm going to try to get in a few or so chapters before Christmas. My mom is going to have to work with my dad for a few days bc his assistant is going on vacation, so I am gonna babysit my siblings  (I'm basically telling them to leave me alone and watch Tv and come to me if they need anything). I'm going to try to post then.
          I've also had tests for school. I took reading and science last week and I'm taking math and history this week. 
          Reading score: 98%
          Science score: 100%
          Just in case y'all have been curious as to why I haven't been getting time to post. They leave me exhausted. (We call them CBAs at my school. Comment what big tests are called at yours!)


Y'all deserve something for being genuinly freakin AWESOME! Like I actually don't deserve you guys. <3 But I have y'all and I'm so damn grateful for it. So y'all get a little short story bc I'm feeling creative. 
          Axel, with his shaggy, wild black hair and icy blue eyes, gazed at me intensely, his hands residing firmly on my shoulders. He gave never wavered from mine. It was so silent that I can practicaly hear the steady beat of his heart, and I'm almost sure he can hear the wild thumping of my own.
              Tears had left streaks down my face and I sniffled through the lasting effects of my crying session. One of his rough, callused hands lifted to cup my cheek in the gentlest of touches. "Don't be down. Lift your chin and hold it high. Where it belongs," he breathed firmly but not rudely. "Whatever is wrong doesn't matter right now. You are safe in my embrace. Just remember to remind yourself that you are worht the world. You're worth even more than that. You have people who love and cherish you. People with whom you can trust. We love you. I love you." He brushed some of my hair out of my face. "You're more than enough. You're you, and that's what people love about you. Please never stop being you." Axel placed his forehead softly against mine. He wiped my face with his big thumbs. "Remember that."
          Hope you enjoyed this small story with some random OC! Remember you guys are more than enough and I don't know what I did to deserve you. I love y'all! <3
          (Axel was the only name I could some up with right now! It's not Prince Axel from The Princess's Sin for those of you who have checked it out. Sorry this is so long. lol)


Happy Thanksgiving my lovely followers and friends. I'm thankful for you all, even though some of y'all don't celebrate Thanksgiving. I love you all so much. I'm going to try my hardest to write some more chapters after I get back from my grandparents' house but I'm still really busy. Thanks for your understand ing support. I love you guys so much! <3