Hi dear writer, I just want to say that I missed your updates,so please don't take so long to post,have a nice day and I wish you the best dear writer ❤️
@Your__cute__Boy Yes, walking side by side is nice, but I don't mind if you skip me. I'll be happy for you ❤️. Yes, the followers are slow in coming, that's true.
@ Your__cute__Boy 80 followers, congratulations. You're really gonna jump me soon. Oh, damn it . I told you to hang in there and keep your head down, and look. It's well deserved, you've made huge strides in your writing. Well done, my dear, congratulations. ❤️❤️❤️
@ Snow_bp thank you, dear! ❤️ But I'm getting followers very slow, and I never planned to jump over you, no way. Better going together beside each other.❤️
Hello dear Readers,
Chapter 10 of " Destined" is out there! ;)
The only one Warning: the chapter is hot. :D
Hope you'll enjoy reading!
Have a nice day! ❤️
Hello dear readers,
Chapter 9 of "Destined" is out there for you to read!
I will appreciate every comment and vote!
Thank you for following me and my story! ❤️
Dear readers,
For the ones who are still waiting for the story,
Chapter 7 of "Destined" is finally out there!
Hope you enjoy the reading.
Have a nice start of the week, folks! ♥️
Дорогие читатели,
Опубликована история "Пожалуйста, будь моим".
Это русскоязычная версия истории "Please, be mine", более развёрнутая в плане текста. Поэтому рекомендую к прочтению на русском языке!
Всем хорошего дня!
Dear readers,
Chapter 6 is out there!
Enjoy the reading!
Thank you for all your comments and votes!
I really appreciate them. ❤️
Hope you had a nice holidays!