
Ugh. I'm so stressed. I've had a lot on my mind lately. Like why can't they make raisin cream pies without the raisins?


No matter how happy I am, I always have this undertone of depression or something. I think it's cool. I always hold this character of mysteriousness. That's who I am. So, I've been having really good days at school for the last two days, but I've also been feeling salty, lol. I pay attention to a lot so I end up getting upset at a lot.


I was in choir class seventh period and we were just chilling. I let all of the noise around me consume and deliver. A girl was playing l e of the pianos in the class while everyone talked about something that meant nothing to me but still served a purpose. The clashing of voices. The different personalities. The people I don't like and the people I do. I listened to my choir director talk about how she is leaving this school year and plans on pursuing a career in writing scripts and stuff. I thought about how world's end every day. Like, how you feel infinite right now. And the next minute you feel like the world is ending. But it doesn't. You keep going on. And I realized that we never seem to realize this. We never wake up from life and realize that it ends all the time. Little universes in our big one. Someone else's universe exploded and causing ours to explode, as well. But then we respawn and forget about it all. The conversation one of my classmates had with the choir director mixed with the background convos mixed with the beautiful piano fuelled this....              A world exists in everything we know. Each one smaller than the next. Life is forever. You have friends and family. Things are going neither good nor bad because you can never put all of life on one side of the scale. You can never seem to turn the music off. There's always a new her. A new them. A new you. You can never become un-immersed.....      And then the pricipal called the junior girls upstairs for some reason so the girl on the piano had to stop and leave me with the fuzzy noise of everyone talking. I wasn't in the mood, anymore. So I was cut off in the middle of my session. I plan on writing more and changing stuff around, but I wanted to give an update on stuff I was doing. Hope someone likes it.


@S4Sil3nt Well I'm glad you're here. I'm Timothy.