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jingle bells jingle bells j ingle all the way henry's dead and nancy;s dead and oh m y fucking god WAH jignle bells ba ba ba i am jelf the elf! :) one day ghost will get off their ass and finish case 2 part 1 boom clap clap! ba ba ba ba ba somebody asked for a christmas song here u fuckin go i am jelf the elf! i wish that i was dead this is a very special song what fun it is to sing along with jelf the elf! OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO jingle bells gjinhke bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbells jinhle all the way henrys dead and nancys dead and oh my fucking god wah jingle bells ba ba ba


@KatTheBab this is amazing