Hello all, reason why I didn't post when I planned to was because my parents, who I still live with because the offered me free rent as I secure steady employment (true life savers!), got a new dog and life has been chaotic between training our new dog, working practically 7 days a week most weeks between two jobs and working on my masters online (this last class was a killer because of the course load). And having the time to sit down and type and preview my chapters was just not in the picture.
So as I sit here and type this message, with a 75 lbs pittbull who thinks he's the size of a Pomeranian, and a lap dog none the less, I can announce that I will be having some kind of update ready to go this week! So keep a close eye out! Let's hope life doesn't get too carried away this week so I can type type type as I have some major inspiration!