
*peaking out from behind a bkanket and shyly waving* 
          Hello, yes I'm still alive. I'm sorry I've been very inactive but man time sure does fly when life gets busy. 
          I've noticed people have been adding my stories to their reading lists and libraries and I am honored! 
          Just a reminder, this is a fun hobby account for me, when I get inspiration, motivation and a bunch of time to sit and write I update like crazy! But there are dead periods in between! 
          I am now getting a lot of inspiration and now that my life is a little more structured I am finding some free time to write, so updates are coming! (I have a couple of chapters in the process of finishing up and reviewing). I'm planning on doing some kind of updates within the week! 
          I love comments, because they help me with my writing and direction of what I write! So don't be afraid to drop comments and questions! 


Hello all, reason why I didn't post when I planned to was because my parents, who I still live with because the offered me free rent as I secure steady employment (true life savers!), got a new dog and life has been chaotic between training our new dog, working practically 7 days a week most weeks between two jobs and working on my masters online (this last class was a killer because of the course load).  And having the time to sit down and type and preview my chapters was just not in the picture. 
          So as I sit here and type this message, with a 75 lbs pittbull who thinks he's the size of a Pomeranian, and a lap dog none the less, I can announce that I will be having some kind of update ready to go this week! So keep a close eye out! Let's hope life doesn't get too carried away this week so I can type type type as I have some major inspiration!


Hello all, Welcome to my new followers and hello to my old. I know long time no talk/update. Now that I have graduated and am finally settled back at home I will be diligently working on editing and updating when ever I can! I am going onto graduate school so there might be some static moments like before. But fear not, I have not forgotten about my stories! I will let you know when a new chapter has been posted, or if you are craving an update on a particular story dont be afraid to make your voice know!


Sorry the updates are a tad slow, I go back to college next week so I'm running around doing last  minute  errands etc. I'll update the next chapters when I get a chance to sit down. I throw a notice out to let Ya'll know when there up! Sending my love to everyone!