Hey there, Yours truly here. It's nice to meet you. 
I don't have a lot to offer but I love to read and write, I won't promise that my stories will be any good but I'll leave that for you to decide. Hopefully, people will like my stories.
I am a 17-year-old Girl who may potentially be Lesbian, Random Knowledge. I try my best in every situation and I love all people Big and small, Straight or Gay, Non-binary or Transgender. I can be a little slow with things and don't have the best people skills but I swear I try.
I have Instagram: xox._pina_calada_.xox
  • Rockhampton, Queensland
  • انضمAugust 2, 2016

قصص بقلم Yourstruly77
When we first met  بقلم Yours_Truly77
When we first met
Is love at first sight a thing? Can you meet someone for the first time and just have everything feel right...
+12 أكثر
Love. Why does it hurt? (Marshal-lee x Gumball) بقلم Yours_Truly77
Love. Why does it hurt? (Marshal-l...
Gumball is 17 years old and a prince in training. As he lacks in social interaction it became a requirement f...
The Sparks Between Us (Shinkami) بقلم Yours_Truly77
The Sparks Between Us (Shinkami)
Kaminari is asked to befriend the new 1 A student, Shinsou. Shinsou doesn't have time to fool around with Fr...
1 قائمة قراءة