
hey guys. so as you know I used to be consistent with my uploads and creativity. Updates have become scarce. I know this. And it's because i've been in a loop of not knowing what my mental state is. I've been in and out of emotions. This isn't like a "good bye forever" thing. It's just a hiatus until I can fix myself. Until then, I wish all of you the happiest lives. And as I always say, remember that someone loves you, if you don't think anyone does, then I love you. Each and everyone of you. 
          	see you soon. 


hey guys. so as you know I used to be consistent with my uploads and creativity. Updates have become scarce. I know this. And it's because i've been in a loop of not knowing what my mental state is. I've been in and out of emotions. This isn't like a "good bye forever" thing. It's just a hiatus until I can fix myself. Until then, I wish all of you the happiest lives. And as I always say, remember that someone loves you, if you don't think anyone does, then I love you. Each and everyone of you. 
          see you soon. 


this message may be offensive
i'm sorry guys I promise there is a story coming out soon, just been dealing with some inner demons. I promise I will hopefully get the first chapter out by next week if not i'll allow y'all to drop kick my ass down the stairs or some shit


Can I just say Ethan (CrankGameplays) is literally the most adorable little bean ever?


@mcloughlinidk  I have considered, it is very adorable. We'll see what the future brings us I suppose ;)


@Youtube-maniac Would you ever write Tythan or Crankiplier one shots ?


Okay, a lot has been going on in the septiplier fandom y'all. i'm not saying it's you guys, but i'm tired of all the nonsense. yes I have written sin, but this is all fake, all in fun, i love the ship but would never expect it to happen IRL. People have been shoving it down everyone's throats including Mark and Jack's which I feel isn't right. I feel people are getting to wild and crazy. Luckily on here, you guys are very mellow and calm, it's not crazy here and I thank you for that. Tumblr however is another story, but that's besides the point. The main line here is that, i'm not crazy about all of this, I don't wish for it to happen IRL, I just think it's a cute pairing. I wrote the sin to broaden my artistic literature skills, not because I actually want them to do the dirty do. I'm not gonna stop writing fan fiction, but I will be respectful to Mark, Jack, or any YouTuber for that matter because they are human and deserve to be treated as so. Thank you guys, love you so much. 


I was so closed minded when I thought weed was bad. I used to be so against it, but here I am now saying it should be legal because it does have its benefits (I don't smoke myself but that's besides the point). Character development for myself wowow