So my mum is home till Sunday so I taking the time to spend it with her Cause of spring break but next week I'll start writing, I feel so bad.
Peace, luv, pet a duck
Isha xxx
School has really been in the way lately, and I have a exam and project to do. BUT!!! But, but but....Spring break is starting this weekend so I should be writing. I'm sowrry. It's a semi-holiday chapter btw.
Peace, luv, pet a duck.
Isha xxxxx
Started working on chapter 8 today, love writing this. Should be up in about two weeks give or take on school and stuff.
Peace, luv, pet a duck
isha xxxx
Sooo my parents are expecting me to do my homework and shit and I'm like 'bitch I got a book to write...' So chapter..7? YEA! 7. Will be up maybe this weekend but I may get distracted by the new godzilla movie cause it's coming on TV this weekend even though it's shit. Anywho! I will try my best to get it up by this weekend if not then next week for sure.
Peace, luv, pet a duck
Isha xxxx