Hey people, hopefully you all are doing okay, it's been actually a really long time since I last posted. I've been thinking to post some good stuff, I have a lot of ideas but would to hear it out from you all.
Also, I'm not sure and to be precise I'm just indifferent but I would like to your opinion that should I write stuff on paid websites as well, as in Patreon, neobook and whatnot.
Like this is not something that I'm looking forward to do but I'm being honest I love femdom but I've been demotivated enough to not write and post on wattpad, I assume that money could be a good drive for me to be regularly active with content. I'm not sure though because I don't know if you people would appreciate such a move. So yeah I would highly recommend you all to reply to this thread with your unfiltered opinions.
Thank you again for being so awesome as a strong community. Looking forward to drop some worthy content soon, Peace!