
Uh I know I haven’t been here in a while, but I didn’t pull the story. I’m pretty sure wattpad took it down because one day it was there and the next it wasn’t. 


@YporquenoCom I’ve always been worried about this happening so I have all of my books backed up on google docs. I cannot recommend it enough to other authors because of stuff like this. I hope everyone is able to restore their books and Wattpad stops just picking and choosing which books to delete


@AgeregressionKitten yeah :( it sucks because Wattpad leaves no warning or opportunity to recover what you wrote. They’re also going overboard and taking down books that I’m sure haven’t infringed with their guidelines. They’re specially targeting kink and queer books.


Wow I loved that story  I was always hopelessly waiting for it to updated and now I can’t even read it :(


Uh I know I haven’t been here in a while, but I didn’t pull the story. I’m pretty sure wattpad took it down because one day it was there and the next it wasn’t. 


@YporquenoCom I’ve always been worried about this happening so I have all of my books backed up on google docs. I cannot recommend it enough to other authors because of stuff like this. I hope everyone is able to restore their books and Wattpad stops just picking and choosing which books to delete


@AgeregressionKitten yeah :( it sucks because Wattpad leaves no warning or opportunity to recover what you wrote. They’re also going overboard and taking down books that I’m sure haven’t infringed with their guidelines. They’re specially targeting kink and queer books.


Wow I loved that story  I was always hopelessly waiting for it to updated and now I can’t even read it :(


this message may be offensive
Some of you seem disappointed with the last update. That’s alright! I hear you! 
          Im happy many of you know what an actual consenting and healthy relationship looks like.
          And the one on the story is certainly not one of those yet. 
          Like not even close. Definitely a little fucked up. 
          Not because I write it like that means I agree with it yeah? Have some faith my dudes. Happy Thursday!


When’s the next update?


@OkayWhatNowBro @OkayWhatNowBro im glad to know i have my fans trust