
He tests us not because HE wants to know if we can, He tests us because He wants us to know He can


When I was just pursuing God more, I was seeking for a better tomorrow. I cried, prayed, begged that the end of this will come. But He promised to always made a way through everything I have been and He did. I kept holding onto the words that He would not let go and better days would come. Until life becomes harder and harder. The attacks of the enemy arouse. I begged to God and His grace carried me through. He kept me in His perfect peace. Until I realized today that God did not change the circumstances, He changed something in me. My desire now is to bring change to His people after realizing that this is all about me, it's all about Jesus. 
          So, come what may, Lord. Let Your Spirit reign more in our hearts. Until it is molded like Yours


this isn't all about me*


When everything started to fall down and it left you empty, can you still go to God to fill you? Can you still believe that He alone is enough? Maybe we are just confident because we still have things to fill us while serving God. But when those things left you, can you still go to God and say "You are my God, You alone is whom I shall serve"? IN the season of trial and loss, know that God is able to be everything that you need. We have to be reminded that God is not only present in blessings, but also present in trials, pain and loss. His blessings are not the things to satisfy and fill us. It is HIM. Always Him. His blessings are not HIM. "I am who I am" He said to Moses. SO, the question is, can you still come even when the thing you only got is the knowledge of who He is and faith that even in trials and struggles, He is who He is?


The verse talks about the importance of prayer. Not just prayer. But a constant prayer. Madaming voices ang nakapaligid sa akin. Voice of doubt, voice of temptations, voice of fears, voice of insecurities, there are so many! But God reminded us to pray without ceasing. Our prayer is still lauder than the shouts of the enemy. The One who lives in us is greater. So, we have to always remember that He is in control. Prayer also shifts our focus on Him. It reminds us who He is and what He can do. So wherever you are right now, pray. Pray and pray and pray even if it feels silent. Pray.
          1 Thessalonians 5:17 ESV
           pray without ceasing,


I just want to share. I joined a competition and I was hoping that this time, I will win. I lost sleep for it and even cry for frustration and ended up thinking "God would give this to me" because I worked hard for it and I cried for it. But what happened is, we lose, I lose. I cried and became frustrated because of what my parents may tell me. How can I face them, ashamed? I was soooo overwhelmed. However, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I run to God. I take delight on the thought na He is with me. And guess whatttttt, I've got the most extraordinary moments through the journey. But what I am more grateful, I put my faith in Him. This time, I did. Not the other way around. And that's more beautiful to hear than my name on the stage. :))