
Realize that I've been making a lot of mistakes in spellings and grammar bc of grammarly and Im tryna fix it up so I'm doing it rn with Quirkless prodigy that's why it's currently missing. I'm hoping while I fix up some stuff I can also change the story a little bit to make less cringy that it use to be.


Realize that I've been making a lot of mistakes in spellings and grammar bc of grammarly and Im tryna fix it up so I'm doing it rn with Quirkless prodigy that's why it's currently missing. I'm hoping while I fix up some stuff I can also change the story a little bit to make less cringy that it use to be.


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I never knew losing a discord account can be depressing. So the other day my phone gone crazy wack. One by one my apps stop working. I thought its gon be okay after a while. Oh how wrong I was, at one point every app just stop working so I had to reset it. Lose shit tons of app, but got what I mainly use atleast. Most app I got my account back, but discord make it hard and in the end I lost my discord account lel. Sufferings never ends huh.


Just need some rest, school has been a heavyweight and my time became crazy with all stuff I want to do. But I assure you I wont stop writing. Ill do my best to write if I have the energy to do so.


@Yu_JustYu take rest my dude don't overwork yourself your followers and me are gonna be waiting for you take a good rest you deserve it


This is hard, writing stuff is hard, making things happen is hard, everything is hard, but I dont want to giveup. Writing new chapters is just unbearable especially when my creativity gone wack and I just write some bullshittery. Im trying my best to write good chapters but my brain gone wack ever since school starts again.


@Yu_JustYu It's okay brother we go through those times sometimes, even i get overwhelmed sometimes school is making it difficult for us tbh.. 


Hey.... happy valentine. I don't know about you guys but it seems like being alone is ny style this year


@Yu_JustYu Happy Valentine's Yu!
            Don't worry im alone too


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"Hey, author, why the fuck you haven't been posting any chapters lately?!" The readers ask together as a group, clear frustration painted on each of their faces.
          The author who is facing his readers simply reply "School"
          Seriously though I have school and homework, because of this I can't even think of a good idea to put in a chapter.


Sigh, Sometimes I hate being a writer of my books. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to discontinue any of my books. But being the author got its owns downside such as knowing how to end the story. I'm still writing the new chapter but my head suddenly gave me an idea on how to end one of my books greatly. I hate myself.


@Yu_JustYu welcome to the club.
            I literally have a habit of this.