Hi everyone! How are you all? I hope your doing amazing and if ot, I'm here to help as much I can! Yes I am alive (sadly), I have't been online ebcuase of family issues involving my father, and not having portable device to be on (other then my laptop). If anyone was worried, or wondering please DM me questions, and I will answer when if I can. I hope you have a great day/night/evening/afternoon, please drink water, eat food, and remind yourself you are loved. I have been trying to get on a schedule for waking up but as some of you may know-if you have my time- that it is not going good. (its 12:01 as I'm typing this) Again, questions and concerns will/my be answered in DM if you have them. I love you all, I'm proud of you all, and I cherish you all. Stay safe, stay well, stay here.