
Concering: Demons of Death
          	This is literally the 4th time I've completely abandoned and reworked my Demons of Death Series. 
          	I have started go write the first part again, and I wanted to start by putting the past events into the prologue, but I'm realized that is gonna be a lot. 
          	My solution: I'm gonna make that the "lore part" of the series, basically a prequel explaining what happened before the major events, crucual to understand them. It's called "Memories of the Past". 
          	I am also thinking about launching 2 more projects in relation to it: Black Asylum Chronicals, which deals with the Black Asylum undercover Oathbreaker operation and will be written in the POV of Assaku, and some parts in the POV of Shurax. 
          	And the Ainu Chronicals, dealing with what happened on the other side of the coin during the main events, in Ainu, written by Xaphael. It will be a little more vague though and explore Xaphael himself more as a character and his stance change in the conflict. 


Concering: Demons of Death
          This is literally the 4th time I've completely abandoned and reworked my Demons of Death Series. 
          I have started go write the first part again, and I wanted to start by putting the past events into the prologue, but I'm realized that is gonna be a lot. 
          My solution: I'm gonna make that the "lore part" of the series, basically a prequel explaining what happened before the major events, crucual to understand them. It's called "Memories of the Past". 
          I am also thinking about launching 2 more projects in relation to it: Black Asylum Chronicals, which deals with the Black Asylum undercover Oathbreaker operation and will be written in the POV of Assaku, and some parts in the POV of Shurax. 
          And the Ainu Chronicals, dealing with what happened on the other side of the coin during the main events, in Ainu, written by Xaphael. It will be a little more vague though and explore Xaphael himself more as a character and his stance change in the conflict. 


Concerning: SoT english ver
          Hello, everyone! Long time no see! 
          I am happy to announce that Part 1 (of 7) of the Saviors of Tomorrow Series has been completely translated into English and been uploaded on my FF.net account (same account name). It is actually not only a complete translated version, but it's also an edited version of the original work, and thus a more accurate and detail-oriented piece. 
          Some things that I have changed: 
          -I implemented more dialogue and interactions between characters that will end up becoming more present in the story as time proceeds, to explore their personalities and relationships a bit more thoroughly in the beginning. The lack of depths in their interactions made them appear plain, so I fleshed them out a bit more. 
          -I explained more. There are things in the story that do not add up or haven't been explained in the story itself. I changed that in the new version, and made an effort to make it understandable what's going on. 
          -I changed parts of the Sinnoh Arc. It came to my attention translating the story that I got some crucual things wrong about the Sinnoh Lore. So I changed a major part of the first part of the Sinnoh Arc to correct these errors. 
          -I de-cringed the romance parts of the story. Mind you, I published part one between 2017 and 2019. Now that I'm older and it's 4 years later, I found some things to be unbearably stupid about Mari and Jayden's process of getting closer. So I rewrote parts of their interactions to be less cringe and more "reasonable", you could say. 
          -I corrected some logic mistakes. 
          I am not sure whether I will edit the version on my account here, or if I will upload the English version here. Kinda too lazy for that, if I'm being honest... but let me know what you think. 


Okay, ich geb's zu... Zocken, zeichnen und Uni hat mich sehr, seeeeeeehr lange vom Schreiben abgehalten. 
          ...Genshin, sei verflucht dafür, dass du ein so geiles Spiel bist TvT. 
          Ja. Genshin Impact und Fire Emblem bekunde ich hiermit für schuldig für meine Inaktivität. 
          Heißt nicht, dass ich aufhöre. Anyway, ich wünsche euch schon mal frohe Weihnachten und ein frohes neues Jahr, weil ich keine Ahnung hab, wann ich wieder auf dieser Plattform erscheinen werde. Vielleicht kann ich mir selber ja mal in den Arsch treten und vorwärts kommen... Aber nichts tun ist so... verführerisch...


@ OphisDarkness  Three Hopes/Three Houses


@Yukigakure  schön das du wieder zurück bist welches fire emblem hat dich den verführt^^


****PART I****
          Hello, everyone... 
          Yes, it's been a while since I last reached out to you guys. I've been... a dead corpse on this platform, more or less. I haven't updated anything in literal ages, and I'm sorry about that. The future of my stories is uncertain, and I cannot give any promises to you at this point, so I ask you for more patience. I am aware I've left you waiting for a very long time, and I'm sorry, but I did not feel like writing anything as of late. 
          That said, my time of inactivity didn't mean I was completely invested into doing nothing, writing-wise. I've started to translate "Saviors of Tomorrow" into English while editing it at the same time. You can find the updated, revised version on Fanfiction.net under the same name as my Wattpad Account. I want to say that I have changed some greater details about the story itself, for example, I have added and worked out some dialogues to shed more light onto the personalities of the likes of Laslow and Chris, who have remained blank side characters most of the time before they became more involved into the story. I wanted to make them appear more alive and interesting. I also reworked some major parts of the Sinnoh Chapter due to a massive lore mistake I made and discovered upon re-reading what I wrote. I am currently working on fixing it, and it might take a while. But until now, 105 chapters of the first part of the series are available for reading on Fanfiction.net/Yukigakure. I am not sure if I will upload the English version here as well, since a major part of my readership is German, or if I wanna make the effort of reworking the German Version as well- I am kinda lazy. Please, tell me what you think in the comments, I'd appreciate to hear your thoughts on the matter.


@ SaltatioFlammarum  Well, considering that everything I write on AO3 will be English and my Wattpad account is German... I would have to translate everything. 


@ Yukigakure
            Wouldn't it be possible to just copy-paste everything you've written on AO3 to Wattpad? This way, you wouldn't have to write it all again, and this way, you could have your stories on both platforms anyway


@Yukigakure You can just use two platforms simultaneously tho? You already do that so I don't really see the point in saying goodbye to anything. You might even reach a wider audience and get more feedback 


Hallo, ihr Lieben. 
          Diese Nachricht wird einigen von euch... vielleicht eher weniger gefallen. 
          Es geht um "Der dunkle Sturm", eine meiner Geschichten. Rückblickend ist sie echt nicht gut und ich werde sie löschen. Zum einen, weil sie eben echt Müll ist, und zum anderen, weil ich momentan eine Colosseum-FF schreibe und dazu ein zweiter Teil erscheinen wird, die "XD-Der Dunkle Sturm" heißen wird (also wie das Spiel), und damit keine Konfusion aufkommt, wird die andere Geschichte von meinem Account verschwinden.  


Es tut mir Leid, das mal sagen zu müssen, aber ich glaube, ich werde diese Woche nicht in der Lage sein, irgendetwas zu schreiben. Meine Mom hat mir für eine Woche das Internet abgedreht und mir das Handy abgenommen, weil... ich die Wäsche draußen vergessen hab...? Und sie der Meinung ist, dass ich zu viel vergesse, weil ich dauernd am Hand sitze...? Was für ein super Blödsinn. Naja... jedenfalls tut mir das echt Leid. Ich wollte euch nur Bescheid sagen, damit ihr euch nicht wundert...
          Eure Yuki


Okay, ich hab viel zu viel am Laufen, daher werde ich mir jetzt einen Plan erstellen, wann ich was updaten werde. 
          **Montag:** Pokémon Colosseum
          **Dienstag:** Saviors of Tomorrow 
          **Mittwoch:** Guardians of Hope
          **Donnerstag:** Tales of the Millenium Night
          **Freitag:** Demons of Death- Hunted
          **Samstag:** Demons of Death in Highschool
          **Sonntag:** Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Dunkle Zukunft 
          Ich hoffe, die wöchentlichen Updates eurer Lieblingsbücher stören euch nicht, wenigstens kommen sie jetzt regelmäßig. 
          Peace out! 
          Eure Yuki


@ ElJerro97  Naja... und wenn's nur ein Kapitel pro Tag ist ^^"