
Hi everyone. I wanted to let you know that due to a minor concussion from a week ago, I have not been able to complete Chapter four of More than I expected. I'm really sorry about this and I hope you can understand. Thank you sm.


Hi everyone. I wanted to let you know that due to a minor concussion from a week ago, I have not been able to complete Chapter four of More than I expected. I'm really sorry about this and I hope you can understand. Thank you sm.


Hi Everyone. I am hoping to update the next chapter within this week. I'll try to balance my updates to be monthly. Maybe sometimes, I'll be able to have two chapters per month because I really want to be able to finish More than I expected within this year. I don't really expect anyone to answer anymore lol. But how are you all doing?


So I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Things have been a bit rough. *Sigh* a while ago, I basically lost my outline for "More than I Expected" , so I've just been a bit behind.  I wanted to Post the new chapters on my birthday which was Jan 5th, but that just didn't happen. I'm working now on the chapters. Hopefully I can find everything. I wish you guys a fruitful new year full of joy and blessings!"


I'm really sorry that I keep publishing and then unpublishing Can I Heal Your Heart. I guess I just feel about not working on it right now and I feel like I'm letting you down. I'll see if I can do something about that. I didn't even think about the ppl who have added it to their reading lists, even if they don't follow me or vote for my story, so that's my bad on my part. I won't unpublish it from now on. But it will take a while for me to finish anything at this point. I'm really sorry and hope you can forgive me. For all of my US readers, Happy Belated Thanksgiving!


Alright that's it. I'm pulling an all-nighter. I have work anyway plus I just gotta publish something. If I don't publish something, yell at me :). Love ya'll sm


@blazing_blossom Yeah I know hun. lol. I didn't even stay up last night cuz I spent 3 hours on math lol. I have the plot I just have to start writing


            Remember to relax. Don't push yourself too much... move at a pace that suits you




@nubalathenerd887 I mentioned it a little before but I think if you had like a few paragraphs of narraration in between the dialogue it might make it easier for the reader to see what is happening and where the characters are. So like more storytelling. I hope this helps!


do I have to change something like edit it more


@nubalathenerd887 yes I did. Sorry if that wasn’t clear 