
All of my in progress books are still in progress. Things have slowed down and my co author and I haven't written as much lately. I don't know when updates will come but they will come as chapters are written for the in progress stories. A coupld of them I do still have a couple updates for so I will schedule those to be posted.


For No Way Out, is it possible if I can take it, give you credit, and give Taylen a happier ending? Slightly more unrealistic, but happier. No insult to the author, it was a great story on it's own.


@Meep53 It is a bit of a tragic story. Funny enough, my co author and I didn't intend for it to end that way, it just did. Interesting how thingsl like that work out. We wrote that in like 2019 or 2020 so it's been a long time. I can't really stop you from writing a "better" ending for it if you want to


All of my in progress books are still in progress. Things have slowed down and my co author and I haven't written as much lately. I don't know when updates will come but they will come as chapters are written for the in progress stories. A coupld of them I do still have a couple updates for so I will schedule those to be posted.


Personally I think it was a cliffhanger  since it was a good book I read it a couple years ago and we had talked th3 first time about the Easter eggs and how you were 50/50  on you and the other author writing a second ever so oftened I checked on it until now 


@AlexGrey9574 We had talked about it but my co writer was in college and a lot was going on. Also, I've just moved to Australia in July so lots of big changes for both of us. The last time I talked to that co writer was in like January or something like that and even then the discussion wasn't about writing. Actually that person and I wrote something like 5 or 6 different stories but none of them were ever finished unfortunately. It really is sad cause I really liked writing with them. My other more recent stories aren't quite the same as No Way Out, but I do enjoy writing them too so hopefully you like one or two of them. The one with Merr and Rai and the other one with Nairobi are both ongoing stories that I'm still writing with someone and have been for like 2 years now


Will you ever write book 2 of No Way Out??


@AlexGrey9574 Yeah, it was definitely possible, but it also didn't just cliff hanger either. Well, mostly. Ive tried reaching out to my co author but haven't heard back  


 that's really sad since it was set up so well for a second book, but thanks for the clarity 


@AlexGrey9574 It's unlikely. I wrote that story with someone else and they stopped talking to me a couple years ago cause life got busy. There wasn't much of a plan to continue it anyway since it's pretty well complete. I cam give it some thought but don't hold your breath


Read it all: 
          I mean it 
          Read it all 
          If you were killed I wouldn’t be at your funeral 
          I’d be in jail for killing the person who killed you 
          We are true friends 
          We ride together we die together 
          Send this to everyone you care about including me 
          See how many times you can get it back 
          If you don’t get this back I understand 
          But I have a game for you 
          You must send this to 115 people including me 
          If you get at least 3 back you are loved 
          Nobody knows how important something is until you lose it 
          Midnight the person that you love will realize that they love you too 
          Then at 1-2 am be ready for the shock of your life 
          If you break the chain you will have bad luck 
          A friend told me to do this so pass it on 
          Tomorrow a boy/girl(s) will ask you for your phone numbers 
          This is not fake


@doodlebug_hannah hahahaha, reverse uno card. I dont ever do these things lol. I dont even know 115 people lmao


I just saw that you had a Wattpad from TikTok and got really excited. 
          What up TikTok mom?


@FangirlOverload13 Not much really, just doing that update thing lol