
Happy new year my dearies  may this year bring us a lot of happiness ang growth and life lessons ❤️‍


Hey author, happy Pongal. How are you . Kindly update vika pregnancy journey 


@Lakshmidha7 Hey ma ! Happy Pongal to you too  I was personally discouraged with the lack of interactions in my page for the stories I posted for the last few weeks so I'm not getting the motivation to write....also I'm much much occupied on a personal level as you know it's festival season. I'm writing the last part of pregnancy journey with all your inputs incl. Although only very few gave the inputs...I've tried to include them all and write the final part of pregnancy ff....will update you guys soon ma. Thanks for the love as always ❤️‍


Hey Guys ! I am quite packed with work, so i will try my best to upload the next parts of UU and Pregnancy ff by the end of Wednesday. Please do comment your love and reviews in the comments of the episodes, guys ! It does encourage me a lot to write and create ideas for the ffs. And as i always say, Thanks for the love and patience guys ! will make sure not to dissappoint you guys !  - Love, Yuktha. <3


Hey Guys ! I am really very very sorry guys ! I recently got a job and i had to relocate to my workplace and settle in...so i am quite packed in personal life. Both UU and ViKa pregnancy FF will be uploaded by this weekend that is sunday. I will try giving you guys a longer update than usual. Please dont be angry on me heheh....also thanks for all the love guys ! Always overwhelming to see the comments and reactions ! Love you guys ! see you soon with the updates !


@Yuktha01 waiting authoreyy


@Yuktha01 waiting for your update authorey ❤️


Hi yuktha glad you updated un uravenbathe series. I was too sad since u gave the announcement. I am so happy now. Thank you so much for that. You are such a great writer. Keep writing. Could you please update the vika pregnancy journey as well . Waiting for that so eagerly . Thanks for your efforts 


@Lakshmidha7 Hi ! I am glad to have such lovable readers like you guys ! Thanks a lot for being with me in this writing journey of mine <3. It's soo soo heartwarming and emotional for me to read words like this....and i am sorry to have made you sad...Thank you for your encouraging and lovable words, as i have always been transparent with you guys, i would not like to hide any minuses or drawbacks of my writing i am facing to you guys, the current situation i am facing is that i am trying to write the next parts of both my FFs and i suppose i somewhat succeeded in writing UU too, but to be honest it was not to my fullest potential and the thing is i am trying to write and something is stopping me from imagining or writing further, or i could say i am not able to find the right words or the emotions to give you, my dearest readers a wholesome experience. The same goes for Pregnancy ff also, trust me, i am trying my best to give you guys an wholesome experience with my episode, which i always write with all my heart, every single word, every single episode is precious to me as i write them, for you guys to enjoy and i enjoy, seeing you guys expressing joy through the comments sections. I will say it time and again that i am fortunate to have such wonderful readers for my ffs. I will try my best to upload (write) the ffs soon. Love, Yuktha <3