<< I’m gonna try and post something to here every day, so you can catch up with me! Anyways, here’s some head canon for Lantern Shorks:
Every time their leader dies, they all gather around the remaining goo. The goo spreads, and the Lantern Shork that the goo touches is the new leader. The Lantern Shorks that gather around are required to be 5+ years as a Gootraxian. This means that new Lantern Shorks still have their 5 years to train.
Lantern Shorks are very loyal to each other, and are the highest level of Shorks, the places being: 1st, Lantern Shork. 2nd, Watermelon Shork. 3rd, Lemon Shork. 4th, Shork. And 5th, Kawaii Shork. This chart is the danger level chart, meaning that if you come across a Lantern Shork, they are most likely to attack you than befriend you.
The Shork pool is ruled by the Lantern Shorks and Watermelon Shorks combined, the Watermelon Shorks being endangered because of their hostility. The 1st place used to be the Watermelon Shork, but they became a bit less hostile so they wouldn’t be extinct.
Lantern Shorks often enslave the normal Shorks because they are the second fastest Shork, the first being the Lantern Shorks of course.
I’ll write more about my Kaiju Paradise head canons soon. Have a great day! >>