
Hey everyone! 
          	So as you all have noticed...
          	I was nit able to post last month and possibly this month due to some other issues I have to deal with.
          	I promise I will return to my onw chaoter per month rule as soon as I can. 
          	But for now all I can do is edit the previous chapters as I believe it beeds a bit of tweaking for "future plans.".
          	But thats all for now! See you soon!


Hey everyone! 
          So as you all have noticed...
          I was nit able to post last month and possibly this month due to some other issues I have to deal with.
          I promise I will return to my onw chaoter per month rule as soon as I can. 
          But for now all I can do is edit the previous chapters as I believe it beeds a bit of tweaking for "future plans.".
          But thats all for now! See you soon!


          And I'm back with stories so earth-shattering you all will pee your pants inanticipation. Hopefully.
          So Im back writing stories, but not as often as Im getting abit more busy. But I look forward to writing for you all again and I hope my stories bring you the same joy I get when writing them if not more.
          My I posted 2 chapters of my new book "Darke Diaries" which is about a girl named Medina. Please go check it out. And thats it, I'm glad to be back on here and, hope you all enjoy.
          Have a beautiful day everyone!


To all my lovely followers, I shall be quitting wattpad. Its just getting in the way of some very important things, so, thank you for all your love, all your support, and all your comments. But is time to say goodbye. Goodbye my darlings, and God bless you.


@Yummm_Coconut its sad to see you go, goodluck with your stuff!


@Yummm_Coconut  Goodbye and Goodluck with your new chapter...


Let's talk:
          Hello everyone. It's your girl Coconut here. Oh gosh this is a bit ridiculous, here I go anyways! I'm gonna go straight to the point. I don't say it enough but I love you guys, and I care alot about you guys. 
          I may not know who you guys are, what you guys look like, where you guys live etc. But I still care about you all and wish you only the best. And that can be hard these times with all the mess happening all around us. Wars, pandemics, disasters. 12 dead in a subway in China, and 100,000 still missing?
           Yeah, not exactly what I'd call the best best life. Anyways, because of this I'm calling everyone that can to action. Whether it's as small as giving the homeless and less fortunate your old things you don't use anymore or even something as big as, I don't know helping out rescue teams to look for other survivors or hosting a feast fest to those who have had their homes swallowed up by water or fire. (America I know what your going through, don't worry.)
           I urge and call all of you to help out in anyway you can. I will do the same. If you really can't do anything because you're too far or you're just hanging on a thread yourself, then I urge you to pray. For yourselves and for others. Because there's nothing more powerful than prayer, and there's nothing louder than multiple of voices crying out for them and others to be saved. I hope that those of you who have read my message will listen and apply what I've said here. 
          And I pray that you all may continously be safe and okay. I guess that's all I wanted to say. God bless everyone, stay safe and keep sharing. Whether items, laughter, prayers, sharing is always caring. Signing off, ('till tomorrow because I have to upload a chapter) Yummm Coconut


Hey guys, uhm good evening/morning whereever you guys live. I uhm. I have recently discovered that the app that I use to illustrate most of my characters has been um.. Abused and used in a way that is inappropriate. So I would first ask for an apology, that I only learned this now and. Uhm. I would like to grant certainty to some of my viewers. No, I do not use gacha for inappropriate purposes. Uh now that you mention it one of my chapters looks like it cuz I rushed it and ugh! I'll take it down right away. But what I'm trying to say is. I do not use gacha for inappropriate purposes, I only use it because it looks cute and it has a very big wardrobe. So I apologize to those I have offended and scared away. I do not intend to. I will make sure that no inappropriate imagery shall be released on my account about gacha. That's all goodnight


Thank you for supporting my book(commenting, voting, adding)!
          You're too kind!
          Have a beautiful duwang~(*˘︶˘*).。*♡


@Sparkly_Ink_Slinger don't mention it! Us authors have to stick together right?


Hey guys! Sorry for the long hiatus. Unfortunately, it will have to continue as I have not yet finished my Christmas Cramming. BUT GOOD NEWS!! I just posted a chapter on my roleplay book. The long awaited Hetalia dares. So for all my hetalia fan followers, go over there and tell me what you think. And don't hesitate to comment down more dares of Hetalia, and my other roleplay Code geass. That's all for now, bai bai peeps!


Hey guys, sorry for the long time absence. I'm having what you call a Christmas Cram and I have just so MANY things to do before I sit back and relax and write and read. So expect me to still be afk for a few more weeks then I'll come back. That's all, happy holidays.