
Hello, mellow and yo!
          	It's been a long time..
          	As I  checked, I stop make story on Wattpad In the year of 2021
          	And look!
          	Now is 2023.....damn-
          	I try come back with new imagination story..
          	And try be more confident to do it heh-
          	If you wanna know ...I hold myself many times to make comeback and now here I am..
          	I can't wait to make new story..
          	That's all ,  see ya! ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ


Hello, mellow and yo!
          It's been a long time..
          As I  checked, I stop make story on Wattpad In the year of 2021
          And look!
          Now is 2023.....damn-
          I try come back with new imagination story..
          And try be more confident to do it heh-
          If you wanna know ...I hold myself many times to make comeback and now here I am..
          I can't wait to make new story..
          That's all ,  see ya! ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ


          Korang Yun NK mintak maaf tau kalau Yun tak up buku *our school life* and *3 bad boys fall in love 3 girl bullied* Tu sebab Yun busy ..
          Lagipun Yun tengah fikir ii idea untuk sambung part 21... Dan part 3 tak silap Yun .. 
          Harap korang faham tau 
          Ouh ya nanti kalau dah habis buku dua ii buku... Maybe Yun Akan buat new book "you are my sunshine - J-hope" ... So Yun NK Tanya korang nk " y/n " atau nama rekaan untuk buku tu? Tau ii pilih
          Itu je  korang pilih au thx✨