
Guys, sorry! But, I'm really curious about senpai! Pole-bear, I mean. Or Lolly. She deleted her account and doesn't seems to be online in Tumblr for almost 2 weeks or more! I miss senpai.. ;-;


@Yuni_Fire I think I might know the reason, but I wouldn't want any own to go around spreading false information. I think your best bet to find out how Lolly is doing is to ask @-Bonnie_The_Bunny- He seems to be the closest to her on personal terms, or her sister @X-Josie-X In my opinion, I think it's just the stress of the fandom weighing her spirits down, making her stressed out with all the fan mail and such. I have an understanding of where she's coming from, and I miss her too. But if leaving the Internet is what will help her, I say she can do whatever she wants. She's a strong, independent woman who shouldn't be held down by a bunch of teens with no time on their hands.


OMG I JUST REALIZED!! U PLAY IB, MAD FATHER, WITCHES HOUSE AND MORE?? KEWWL!! I LUV THOSE GAMES!! I haven't actually played them but I saw Lets plays of them and I really liked it! I especially love 「Ib」cause of the unique art-style and I just totally ship GARRY AND IB!! And wow.....u must be pretty brave....HEEH IM GLAD TO KNO YA....(well I kno u just a little tho...)


@Yin-Chan Haha lol. I more Ib too! It was awesome and the bad endings mad me cry.. ;-;