
@nightshadow333 Hiii!!! Really need to go on this more often :P


@laurynluvsu Welcome strange one, would you like your anti-crazy drug today or tommorow?? And I need to know if you would like the small dose, or the strong dose? 
          Hopefully this will get to you before the craziness turns you into an animal of the night, until then the best of luck to you (sips tea) 


@YuriHyuga - O.o is it weird that i like stalkers ... Loooool
          and yeah no prob its all takes time. it isnt something that will happen over night trust me it doesnt. :) u will get some ppl to check it out but the most important thing  is that you like writing and you are happy with your work. If one person reads it or if 10 .. all in all so what you want :)