
https://discord.gg/z8Qxn9T Join this discord server or i will threaten you.


I Tell You a story about man
          There’s no-one else quite like him across the land
          This man has lots of presents in his hands
          Taking them from your house was his plan
          [Cause you’ve been ROBBED!]
          Someone stop this criminal!
          [Yes you’ve been ROBBED!]
          This is not forgivable
          [Your door was locked]
          That evil individual
          [Yes you’ve been ROBBED!]
          This is just unthinkable
          How could this happened so close to {Christmas Day!}
          He just took all of the presents and
          {Ran Away!}
          What do the police have to say?
          Please remain calm, we’re on our way!
          Oh, oh yes. Oh yes let’s go!
          Someone stop this criminal!
          [Yes you’ve been ROBBED!]
          This is not forgivable
          [Your door was locked]
          That evil individual
          [Yes you’ve been ROBBED!]
          This is just unthinkable
          We just found all the presents
          {That he stole...}
          He’s locked himself inside a house
          {Made Of Snow!}
          Let’s get some torches and watch the
          {Fire Grow!}
          We’ll melt all of that snow and get him out,
          {LET’S GO!}
          We’ve just stopped this criminal!
          [Yes you’ve been ROBBED!]
          He is not forgivable!
          [Your door was locked]
          That evil individual
          [Yes you’ve been ROBBED!]
          This is just unthinkable!
          [Keep the door shut!]
          We should punish him tonight!
          [The Pit of Death!]
          Freeze him inside Carbonite!
          [Fine! I Confess!]
          Everyone he just confessed
          [The Pit of Death!]
          Send him to the Pit of Death!
          [THE PIT OF DEATH!]


ever get that feeling where you want to apologize to someone/some people and you’ll give them anything  but you are 101% sure they wont forgive you ever


@8ohgodno8 why is this the exact situation I'm in rn irl like


 Libery Prime is online. All systems nominal. Weapons hot. Mission: the destruction of any and all Chinese communists. 
          Voice module online. Audio functionality
          test initialized. Designation: Liberty Prime. Mission: the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska. Obstruction detected, composition: titanium alloy supplemented by photonic resonance barrier. Probablity of mission hindrance: zero percent! 
          Chairman Cheng will fail: China will fail!
          Revised strategem: initiate photonic resonance overcharge.
          Communisim is the very definition of failure!Communist engaged!
          Communisim is the temporary setback on the road to freedom!
          Communism is a lie!
          Communist target acquired.
          Communists detected on American soil. Lethal force engaged! 
          Democracy is non-negotiable.
          Freedom is the sovereign right of every American.
          Embrace democracy, or you will be eradicated.


Jetty have you gone insane.


Don’t u get the sack
          I don’t be at a zoo
          I ain’t a boo
          So get the too
          I won’t loo
          Wanna fight
          Let’s get it tonight
          In teh flight
          Scared of the light
          Make it bright
          Oh I must be smart
          Like u be fart]
          I ain’t get a boy
          I ain’t get a teen
          I ain’t get u
          I ain’t let u
          So get it to fix u
          scp ugly tato


            PB from PP
            Wont let me go PP in BB
            So I had to do it outside in the Free-Free
            But I wasn't comfortable with that
            So I did it in the Sea-Sea
            But it killed Me-Me
            You know what, PB from BB?
            I'm taking this review to the DD