
Bella cast her wary gaze around the mess hall, looking for any sign of Othello. Nothing. Taking a deep breath, she sat down in the spot in front of Jean at his table, grabbing her roll of bread before Sasha could abduct her tray. 
          "Hey, Kirstein.." 


h e t h i n k s s h e ' s c r u s h i n g o n L e v i??? XDDDDD)))
            S h e ' s o n l y s i x t e e n))) 
            Bella stumbled back, jerked out of her own thoughts. 
            "Watch where you're going, giant." She grumbled, looking to the side. She was still embarrassed from what she'd asked earlier, and was quite glad he didn't hear her. 


            Othello would have finally returned to his own room; which, coincidentally, was only but across the room of the other's own. What with the newfound information the muffin-top had handed him, the blonde couldn't help but take a guess...
            ...Who was it that could have caught the shortie's heart? His mind and thoughts would drift from one squad member to the other. Bertholdt? That reiner-deer? Muffin-top...???? Eren????
            Or perhaps Levi. Yeah, that seemed a far lot more believable. What with being the shortie's friend for quite a while, the male had come to hear her gush on and on often about the leader, and he had to admit—
            Oftentimes he was jealous.
            Nonetheless, with all these deep thoughts in his mind, the blonde wouldn't have seen it coming, and would have bumped straight into the shortie herself;


            Also, unamused* not amused. ))