
I have taken time think about my stories what do with ones i not got done, rebirth gotten new name with it new story, not same one as before, i well be keeping story me and sabryna worked on under old name Uragira to saisei, am not sure when i well return to that story, do check out new coming story. Sora castle rebirth. coming out in few days hopefully.


I have taken time think about my stories what do with ones i not got done, rebirth gotten new name with it new story, not same one as before, i well be keeping story me and sabryna worked on under old name Uragira to saisei, am not sure when i well return to that story, do check out new coming story. Sora castle rebirth. coming out in few days hopefully.


i just wanted update everyone of things of late, for year or so i had few things happen my old pc died, with it lost all my work from my books i had backup's but lost them as well. 
          rebith chapter 16 and up have been lost in that as well i just moved into apartment last month got new pc up and running i'm rewriting chapter 16 of rebith and rest of chapters after it i be sending it to @sabrynabrooklynne soon chapter 16 about done! stay tune new stuff on the way!.


been a bit since I wrote something, one my friends and inspires me lot @sabrynabrooklynne she very good at writing,  it's why I wrote rebirth, had her help with editing, I'm going do new story that may have tie in's to one of her story's maybe family connections no characters, only if I get okay from her, story well have some connections to an anime & real life. you have to read it to understand what I mean.


@Yuzukisuzuki which story and what are you thinking? 


there some changes coming to betrayed and rebirth, nothing to big but some small changes like Yuki last name, few other small bits,  working on other story once that done i well be changing betrayed and rebirth, there maybe well be no more of Jessica in this story, after chapter 16.  am not sure yet.