
The next chapter is out, y'all! I'm thinking about publishing a draft I had for a year now. It's a Pokémon story but I'm not sure if u would like it :(


Lol, I haven't written smth in a LONGGGGG time. Myb bcs I was busy and stuff, but now I'm back with my new story about Therians. :) 
          Side note: If you're against Therians, don't read it and leave it uncommented. I don't want to get hate again since I'm already getting some in my WhatsApp channel for being a therian. So please leave I'd you dislike it. Thank you.


Hey Leute! Also wie ihr gesehen habt, hab ich meine erste, okay zweite, Gezchichte hochgeladen! Ich hoffe ihr mögt sie. Manchmal werde ich viel posten und an anderen Tagen villeicht garnichts. Also ja, seit gespannt! Wer ist wohl dieser Junge aus Christophers Rückblende? Welche Beziehung hatten die Beiden? Ich bleibe ruhig, also viel Spaß beim Lesen und Raten!