I'm the mother of a very talented young girl. She loves to write and draw and has since a very young age. 

Please check out her books, read them, comment, vote....

Here is her link:

When I was in high school, little did I know not getting into Home Economics would start me on a path, later in life, helping my daughter with her books. Yes, being put in Wood Shop, Metal Shop and Drafting was a blessing in disguise. I stuck with drafting and later landed a job laying out a catalog for a sign company, and in turn getting a job with a graphics company... this is what helped me help my daughter put her books together.

I help her design the logos and have shown her how to prepare her books for printing. She does the photography, illustrations and writing herself. I have also become an Editor.. or shall I say I try my best.

I would appreciate your support helping me help her become a well known author... thank you!
  • Muskegon, Michigan
  • JoinedApril 9, 2013


1 Reading List