Oh tell me about it... This is one of my really bad habits. I came back from Scotland, then was promptly thrown out of the loop by a combination of new job + writing deadlines + not receiving Wattpad notifications anymore. Then there was NaNoWriMo. Then I... forgot.
And no worries, I'm also yet to finish reading "Hexus" (I'll probably start from the beginning again, it'll be easier). There are so many things to read here, I want to read them all, and as a result, I never get anything done. *sighs*
Thank you for saying that, by the way. I know my story isn't really the right kind for this site, and I knew it from the start, so if it's underrated, bah... As long as I have fun with it, I'm satisfied. :) (Although I'll edit it again once I'm done, that's for sure, if only to get rid of the heaviest sentences.)