
Hey they fixed the message board! Anyways, I'm still writing the Rangers reboot. It's going great so far ^o^ I published the original on Alix's birthday so I'll publish the first two chaps of the new one on Alix's birthday too. I CANT BELIEVE ITS BEEN A YEAR ALREADY!!


Hey they fixed the message board! Anyways, I'm still writing the Rangers reboot. It's going great so far ^o^ I published the original on Alix's birthday so I'll publish the first two chaps of the new one on Alix's birthday too. I CANT BELIEVE ITS BEEN A YEAR ALREADY!!


its been so long i cant remember anyone of those... anywho, GUYS AND GALS remember to read it as much as possible because some prick will tell the teachers or sophie will then they will ask her to take it down because it involves human people WHO JUST WANT TO DUCKING READ


But I made sure this one is safe so the only thing they can get me for is the death. Then I'll say 'I've experienced death. I think I'm allowed to write about it.'


this message may be offensive
@tommygunner2001 i said fucking... stupid autocorrect